Category : Crop Protection Product group : Fungicides

Active Ingredient: 200 g/L Carboxin + 200 g/L Thiram

Formulation : Water-wettable powder (WP)

Packaging : 20 kg, 25 kg


It is a protective fungicide.

Method Of Application

Peach leaf curl: An application is made when the buds start to swell.

Loquat blackmark:

1st application: Before the flower buds swell in autumn,

2nd application: Before the flower buds open,

3rd application: After the flower petals fall,

The 4th and other applications should be carried out from the 3rd application until 20 days before the harvest, taking into account the effect period of the plant protection product used. If necessary, the application program can be changed according to the company’s recommendations. The number of applications and their dates are recorded.

Pear scatter:

1st application: When the flower buds swell (3-5 days ago in places with rows of branches)

2nd application: During the white badge period

3. application: When 70-80% of flower petals fall

4. and other applications: It should be done with 10 days intervals when the climatic conditions are suitable for the progression of the disease.

Pear Mammalt:

1st application: Just before the flower buds burst,

2nd application: The flower is in the white rosette circuit,

3rd application: When 80-90% of flower petals fall

Generally, 3 applications are sufficient, but in climatic conditions where the spring is rainy, other applications are continued until the rains end, taking into account the effect time of the plant protection product.

Apple scribble:

1st application: When the flower buds swell (3-5 days ago in places with rows of branches)

2nd application: During the pink rosette bud period (when the flowers are seen separately)

3. application: When 70-80% of flower petals fall

4. and other applications should be done with 15 days intervals when the climatic conditions are suitable for the progression of the disease.

Bacterial cancer and gum disease in stone fruit trees (Apricot, Cherry):

1st application: When 75% of the leaves fall in autumn,

2nd application: It is done in the spring before the eyes wake up.

Pocket disease in plums:

1. application: During the period when the buds swell,

2nd application: It should be done when 80% of the flower petals fall.

Leaf piercing (freckle) in stone fruits (Apricot, Peach):

1st application: Immediately after leaf fall in autumn,

2nd application: Before the flower buds open in the spring (during the pink flower bud period),

In addition to apricots, the third spraying should be done while separating the sepals and stamen plate on the fruit.

Bacterial cancer and gum disease in stone fruit trees (Apricot, Cherry):

1st application: When 75% of the leaves fall in autumn,

2nd application: It is done in the spring before the eyes wake up.

Black pepper in pistachios:

1st application: If fighting with protective fungicides is to be done, the applications must be done before the first infections, when the leaves begin to open; if the therapeutic fungicide is to be combated, the fruits should be as large as chickpeas and the leaves should be fully opened. In addition, therapeutic fungicides can be applied until the first symptoms are seen.

2nd application and other applications: It is done at 15-day intervals, taking into account the characteristics of the plant protection product used, its duration of action and precipitation.

Almond branch cancer:

1st application: When the leaves fall by 75% in autumn,

2nd application: It is done in the spring when the flower buds burst and the red tips appear in the pink period.

Hazelnut bacterial blight:

1st application: At the end of August or at the beginning of September before the autumn rains begin after the harvest,

2nd application: In a period when 75% of the leaves fall in late autumn,

3rd application: It is done in the spring when the leaf buds start to burst.

Cabbage downy mildew: Applications are started when the seedlings emerge in the nursery and when the first downy mildew spots appear in the field in the field.

Brown rot and stem mucilage in citrus fruits:

Against fruit infections;

1st application: It should be done before the rains start in autumn.

2nd application: If the weather is rainy, it should be done 15 days after the 1st application.

Against body infections; Wounds on infected trees should be cleaned up to wood tissue in October, January and March. 3% potassium permanganate should be applied to the wounds as a disinfectant.

Citrus blight: The application is started after the very dry branches are cleaned after the harvest. In lightly contaminated orchards, the first application is applied as a 1.5% burgundy slurry at 1 month intervals, with the first application being after harvest. If there is a heavy infection in the garden and at the same time the winter and first spring months are rainy and warm, 1.5% burgundy slurry 2-3 times at one month intervals, starting after harvest, and 1% before the flower buds burst. One more application should be made. In such gardens, chemical applications should be continued for at least 3 years.

Ringed stain on olives:

In the Marmara Region:

1st application: Just before autumn shoots appear

2nd application: After the flower stalks become evident, before the flowers open

In the Aegean Region:

1st application: Just before the spring shoots appear

2nd application: After the flower stalks become evident, before the flowers open

In the Mediterranean Region:

1st application: After harvest

2nd application: Just before the spring shoots appear

3rd application: It should be done after the flower stalks become evident, before the flowers open.

Olive branch cancer: In the Aegean and Mediterranean Regions, olive groves infected with cancer are sprayed 4 times a year without pruning for two years. 1% Bordeaux slurry is used in spring application and 2% in other applications. At the end of two years, pruning is done in July-August.
In the Black Sea region, the second application (in February) is not done, but if there is a hail or frost damage, the February application is made. The applications in the other three periods are applied in the same periods.

1st application: Immediately after harvest at the end of December,

2nd application: Hail at the end of February, after frost damage,

3rd application: Before the spring rains begin,

4th application: It is done before the autumn rains begin.

Settling in tobacco seedlings: It is done when the disease is seen after the seeds are sown and covered with cover fertilizer or after the seedlings have emerged. Spraying to be done as soon as the disease is seen is applied once a week until the surprise period.

Making of Bordeaux mixture: Dissolve 1 kg copper sulfate in a 50-liter wooden barrel. Slowly hydrate and dissolve 500 g quick lime in another 100-liter wooden barrel and bring it to 50 liters with water. Slowly pour the 50 liter copper sulfate solution over the hydrated lime solution and stir continuously. Never pour the hydrated lime solution over the copper sulfate solution. Dip a litmus paper or phenolphthalein test paper into the mixture to confirm the quality of lime. If litmus paper turns blue and white phenolphthalein test paper turns red, it means that the mixture quality is good. Otherwise, hydrated lime solution should be added. Collar rot (damping-off) of tobacco: It is made when the disease is observed after the seeds are planted and covered with the cover manure or after the seedlings are completed. As soon as the disease is observed, spraying is administered once a week until the confounding period.

Compatibility: Not to be mixed with insecticides, fungicides or acaricides. It should be used alone.

Detailed Table Information

Olive Ring spot disease (Spilocaea oleaginea) 1500 g göz taşı+ 1500 g slaked lime (1st application), 1000 g göz taşı + 1000 g slaked lime* (2nd application) 21 days
Olive Almond canker (Pseudomonas syringae pv.savastanoi) 1000 g göz taşı + 1000 g slaked lime (spring spraying), 2000 g göz taşı + 2000 g slaked lime* (other spraying) 21 days
Loquat Black spot(Venturia inaequalis var eribotryae) 1500 g göz taşı + 1500 g slaked lime 21 days
Tobacco Collar rot (Rhizoctonia solani) 600 g göz taşı + 600 g of slaked lime (After the seeds are sown and covered with cover fertilizer) 21 days
Citrus Brown rot (Phytophthora citrophthora) 2000 g göz taşı + 2000 g slaked lime, 1000 g göz taşı + 1000 g slaked lime 21 days
Citrus Branch blight disease(Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae) 1000 g göz taşı + 1000 g slaked lime, 1500 g göz taşı + 1500 g slaked lime, 2000 g göz taşı + 1000 g slaked lime, 21 days
Peach Leaf curl (Taphrina deformans) 2000 g göz taşı + 2000 g slaked lime 21 days
Peach Bacterial canker of stone fruits (Çil Wilsonomyces carpophylus) 2000 g göz taşı + 2000 g slaked lime (1. application) 1000 g göz taşı + 1000 g sönmüş kireç* (2. application) 21 days
Cabbage Mildiyö (Plasmodiophora brassicae) 1000 g göz taşı + 1000 g slaked lime 21 days
Cherry Bacterial canker of stone fruits (Pseudomonas syringae pv. morsprunorum) 1000 g göztaşı + 1000 g slaked lime (1. application), 600 g göz taşı + 600 g slaked lime (2. application) 21 days
Apricot Shot-hole of stone fruits (Wilsonomyces carpophilus) 2000 g göz taşı + 2000 g slaked lime (1. application) 1000 g göz taşı + 1000 g slaked lime(2. application) 21 days
Apricot Bacterial canker of stone fruits (Pseudomonas syringae pv. morsprunorum) 3000 g göz taşı + 3000 g slaked lime (1. application), 1000 g göz taşı + 1000 g slaked lime(2. application) 21 days
Hazelnut Bacterial blight disease (Xanthomonas campestris pv. corylina) 1000 g göz taşı + 1000 g slaked lime (0,3% black paint should be added as an adhesive) 21 days
Plum Pocket plums(Taphrina pruni) 2000 g göz taşı + 2000 g slaked lime 21 days
Apple Dead arm(Venturia inaequalis) 2000 g göz taşı + 2000 g slaked lime (If there is a row of branches), 1000 g göz taşı + 1000 g slaked lime (If there is no branch row) 21 days
Vineyard Dead arm (Phomopsis viticola) 4000 g göz taşı + 4000 g slaked lime (winter application) 21 days
Vineyard Mildew (Plasmopara viticola) 500 g göz taşı + 500 g slaked lime (1.application), 1000 g göz taşı + 1000 g slaked lime (2.application), 1500 g göz taşı + 1500 g slaked lime (3.application) 21 days
Vineyard Anthracnose (Elsince ampelina) 3000 g göz taşı + 3000 g slaked lime (winter application), 500 g göz taşı + 500 g slaked lime (1.uygulama-yaz müc.), 1000 g göz taşı + 1000 g slaked lime (2.uygulama-yaz müc.), 1500 g göz taşı + 1500 g slaked lime (3.uygulama-yaz müc.) 21 days
Almond Dal kanseri (Pseudomonas amygdali) 3000 g göz taşı + 3000 g slaked lime (1.application), 1000 g göz taşı + 1000 g sönmüş kireç* (2. application) 21 days
Pear Memeli pas (Gymnosporangium fuscum) 1000 g göz taşı + 1000 g slaked lime 21 days
Pear Black spot (Venturia pyrina) 2000 g göz taşı + 2000 g slaked lime (If there is a row of branches) 21 days
Pistachios Karazenk (Pseudocercospora pistacina) 1500 g göz taşı + 1500 g slaked lime 21 days